Huge thanks go to Bairds Mainfreight Primary School student leaders and their teachers who late last year fundraised for Hillary House after their Student Leader Visiting Programme workshop last year. These marvellous young people were so inspired by what they learned about Sir Ed and his values at Hillary House, that they returned to school and planned a school-wide fundraiser for the House. Having identified their cause, the student leaders set a goal and went about organising events such as fashion parades and food stalls. They learned to work as a team, capitalizing on their combined skills and supporting each other throughout the project. Their fundraising efforts, to our surprise, were to support the work of Hillary House, which they viewed as such a valuable place for future leaders to visit in New Zealand.
Our highlight was the follow-up invitation to the school on 2 December, where our trust received a cheque for $1,409.00 – totally unexpected, a very generous gesture from a school of limited resources and a wonderful way to finish our Hillary House year. We look forward to welcoming their new student leaders in 2021, and acknowledge the support of Otara-Papatoetoe Local Board with facilitation of our workshops.

August 2020