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Antarctic trip stimulates youth leadership

What an amazing experience for our trustee Shauna Eldridge who, along with Sir Edmund Hillary Collegiate students, Jaylee Savage and A’aifou Potemani, was selected for the 2020 Antarctic Heritage Trust Inspiring Explorers Expedition. Shauna’s trip of a lifetime in March and we are delighted to cover some highlights on her favourite parts of the expedition, as covered in her report.

“It was absolutely amazing to see the growth in personal development and confidence, as well as the leadership capacity of my students, Jaylee Savage and A’aifou Potemani. I was so proud of them throughout the expedition, and particularly when they taught the team a haka on the ship and led its performance in front of the rest of the guests. Watching A’aifou perform karaoke in front of a large audience and receive two standing ovations was also fantastic.

Another favourite part of the trip was the amazing opportunity Antarctic Heritage Trust provided for us to kayak, both throughout the expedition, and during the six sessions they arranged for us at the Vector Wero Whitewater Park before we left. This gave our students their first experience of the expedition, of pushing their boundaries, overcoming fear, and extending themselves in a way they hadn’t before. Once in Antarctica, the opportunity to kayak definitely enhanced our experience, as it brought us so much closer to the wonders of the continent, from the icebergs, to the whales, seals and penguins. Seeing Jaylee’s confidence and excitement as she moved from our double kayak to a single one, and watching both students take the polar plunge, were other highlights for me.

We all had such an incredible, growthful experience on the expedition. It was something you can’t buy for love or money.”

August 2020

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